We answer to some questions frequently asked on the following themes:
- Our project
- Our artworks
- Purchase our statues
In case you don’t find the response to your question, please use this contact form.
Our project
Our motivation
Why does Filumena exist ?
For Charity and Hope.
I see in the sickest, the poorest, the most neglected and disrespected people the images of my grandmother, my mother, my daughter and myself. Every single thing that I can do for them, with you, is one more thing I do for my beloved ones. That’s why I founded this project.
To understand better our motivation, please read the story of Filumena.
Why do we create and produce catholic statues ?
It was by chance that we started with catholic statues. I was grateful to the Virgin Mary for the grace that was given to me while praying the rosary.
For me, the statues of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the Saints represent an exceptionnal mean to make my dream come true. The dream is, with you, to make this world more human, just and sustainable.
For us, this is one more way to declare the words of God with acts.
Why did we choose to protect Life, respect human dignity and plant seeds of Hope ?
We choose to protect Life because there are millions of lives cut short every year. In France alone, these are 230 000 lives per year. 630 lives per day. 26 lives per hour. Every 2 minutes 18 seconds, there is one life terminated in France. While you are reading these lines, some lives are being terminated.
We choose to protect human dignity because there are too many being disrespected, abandoned, neglected in extreme poverty.
We choose to sow the seeds of Hope in the underprivileged children because God created us equal and like anyone else, these children deserve a better future.
Personally, I am giving my heart and soul to this work because I find in these people the images of my beloved ones, namely my grandmother, my mother, my daughter and myself.
What is our objective? To make money or to do good things for life ?
Our objective is to join you in the efforts to make this world more human, just and sustainable.
We work hard, create and produce the catholic statues in order to gather the necessary and durable means to follow this objective.
Our ressources
What makes Filumena different from other merchants of catholic statues?
We do not define ourselves as merchant of religious products. This is not our objective. This is one of our means.
For us, the true values are spiritual, not material. The values that Filumena tries to spread with you are Charity and Hope.
Do we call for donations ?
We do not call for donations. And we do not receive financial aids from any person or organization.
We work hard, create our models and produce our products to earn the needed resources for our works.
Our creations
Artistic work
How do we create our models?
It is a long process of thoughts, discussions and meticulous works.
We start with our thoughts about the artwork to create: the theme, the general style and what we would like to convey through the artwork.
We discuss with the painters to produce the initial sketches of the artwork. It takes two to three months and several iterations with the painters before arriving to the final version of the sketches.
The sketches are forwarded to the sculptor. It takes multiple cycles of discussions and revisions with the sculptor in order to obtain the intended artwork. The step takes in general 4 to 6 months.
In total, we spend 6 to 9 intermittent months to create a new artwork. In this period, there are days and nights of pondering. There are moments of joy and hope. But there are also moments of sadness and disappointment.
You will find in each of our artworks not only our time, our efforts, our sentiments and most specially a part of our lives.
Who are the artists?
We are currently working with two painters and two sculptors in Europe.
The artists earn the decent payment for each artwork created.
We believe that each contributor deserve to benefit from his or her artworks for the long term. Therefore, we commit voluntarily to pay the artists annual benefits as long as the artworks are still being commercialized.
On demand creation
Creation for churches
Do we create artworks for churches ?
The process of creating an artwork at Filumena is very time-consuming. Therefore, if you wish to commission an artwork for a church, you will have to notify us long time (at least 12 months) before the expected delivery date.
Our only condition is to retain the copyrights of the artwork. Our objective is to spread the message of Charity and Hope to the largest audience. We would like that our time spent to create a new artwork can also serve the others.
Purchase of Filumena’s catholic statues
Where to buy our statues ? and how ?
Why should I purchase catholic statues created by Filumena ?
Because our statues represent Charity and Hope. Moreover, that is your Charity and Hope.
For each dollar that you spend on our statues, ten cents will directly serve to protect Life, respect human dignity and spread Hope.
Where to buy statues of Filumena ?
Our statues are displayed at the shops of our distribution partners and retailers. The list of these shops is updated on this dedicated page.
Please note that we are currently building our distribution network. We are grateful to you for helping us expand this network.
You can help by recommending us to your favorite shop or retailer by sending them a message including our website. You can also put us in touch with the potentially interested retailers using the contact form.
Can I buy directly from Filumena ?
For the moment, we don’t have yet enough human resources to manage ourselves the distribution of our statues. This includes running shops and delivery of products.
You are kindly asked to purchase our statues from retailers and distribution partners in this list.
You can help us to expand our distribution network. If you can recommend us to your favorite shop or retailer by sending them a message including our website, that will help us greatly. You can also put us in touch with the potentially interested retailers using the contact form.
Can I buy online ?
It is mostly possible.
Some of our retailers and distribution partners have online shops.